React Quiz and Progress
Build a Questionnaire with a progress bar for React Js app. Click here to see the README in Irish Gaelic.
In 2020, I was working on an application called House of Costs in which a user personalised questionnaire was asked to be fulfilled by the end user. The questionnaire had various levels of complexity, as answering certain answers to certain questions would trigger followup questions. This would give the impression to the end-user that the Questionnaire could be a long slog, especially by the fact that there was no indication as to how much more of the Questionnaire the user would have to complete.
In turn, this motivated the idea of having a linear progress bar which would indicate intuitively to the user how much of the questionnaire the user has completed.
As the user answers more questions, the more the progress bar progresses. For questions that are “independent” (ie: do not depend on previous answers to previous questions), a large progress increment is rewarded to the progress bar. For “dependent” questions, a smaller increment is rewarded to the progress bar. For questions that are “dependent” questions that are dependent on other questions (and that are dependent on other questions and so on), an even smaller increment is rewarded to the progress bar.
If you’re interested in trying out the plugin without any setup, I encourage you to take a look at code demo here. You will need to open the demo in Intelij Idea as it is a Kotlin Js project. I use material-ui as the basis of the interface.
Technical Details
The plugin was developed in Kotlin React Js (since I use Multiplatform Kotlin by nature). I will publish more of the technical details of my plugin on my blog soon.
This class provides the state of the Questionnaire, such as progress made, determining the next question and when the Questionnaire is complete. It should be placed in the state class.
proposedQuestionSet = ProposedQuestionSet(
// Place all the questions you want to ask here. See the next section
// for more specific details
questions = arrayOf(
Question(id = 1, question = "Question 1",
dependentAnswerIds = emptySet(), dependentQuestionID = null,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3"),
Answer(id = 4, answer = "Answer 4"),
Answer(id = 5, answer = "Answer 5"),
// A map from to That is, if the end user
// chooses the answer with id=3 for question with id=1, the map will be
// assigned with 1->3
answerSet = mutableMapOf(),
// Define a prefilled answer set, if needed
defaultAnswerSet = null
// Specify the current question the end user is on
currentQuestionID = 1,
// Some callbacks
questionOnChange = ::questionOnChange,
questionSetOnFulfilled = ::questionSetOnFulfilled
We can define questions and parameterize them as independent questions that will always be asked no matter what, and dependent questions which depend on the answer given to previous questions. Here is an example of a question set
// An example of an independent question
id = 1, question = "Question 1",
dependentAnswerIds = emptySet(),
// The independence is characterised by the fact that dependentQuestionID = null
dependentQuestionID = null,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3"),
Answer(id = 4, answer = "Answer 4"),
Answer(id = 5, answer = "Answer 5"),
// An example of a dependent question
id = 2, question = "Question 1.1",
// As opposed to the previous question, we have assigned dependentQuestionID = 1
// and dependentAnswerIds is assigned a set.
// That is, this question, question with id = 2, will be asked if and only if
// answer with ids 2 or 3 is selected in question with id = 1.
dependentQuestionID = 1,
dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2, 3),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3")
There are various ways that you may choose to setup the questionnaire. I preferred to setup the questionnaire using react router to present each question by its own “page”.
I’d also like to warn you that I have not switched to using more modern React Js coding conventions, so I apologise for my dinosaur code.
Javascript ES6 (Regular React Js project)
I will publish instructions on this in the future as I am no longer familiar with ES6 anymore. But it should be similar to the Kotlin Js setup, provided you are somewhat comfortable with reading basic Kotlin. Help here would be very welcome!
As usual, you can retrieve the plugin by running the following
npm i react-quiz-and-progress
Kotlin Js
In your build.gradle.kts file, add the following
// Required dependency
// Usual Kotlin React Js (legacy) dependencies
implementation(npm("react-router-transition", "2.0.0"))
implementation(npm("glamor", "2.20.40"))
implementation(npm("react-visibility-sensor", "5.1.1"))
implementation(npm("react-animate-height", "2.0.21"))
Client.kt file
import kotlinx.browser.window
import react.dom.render
import react.router.dom.hashRouter
import react.router.dom.route
import web.dom.document
fun main() {
window.onload = {
val container = document.getElementById("root") ?: error("Couldn't find root container!")
console.log("Container", container)
render(container) {
hashRouter {
route("/") {
welcomeWithRouter.invoke { = "Kotlin/JS"
(Optional) AnimatedSwitch.kt
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.glamorCss
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.reactroutertransition.AnimatedSwitchProps
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.reactroutertransition.animatedSwitch
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.reactroutertransition.spring
import kotlinext.js.js
import react.RBuilder
import react.RHandler
private val hOCSwitchRule = glamorCss(js {
this.position = "relative"
this["& > div"] = js {
this.position = "absolute"
private fun glide(value: Double): dynamic {
return spring(value, js("{ stiffness: 174, damping: 24 }"))
fun RBuilder.animatedSwitch(handler: RHandler<AnimatedSwitchProps>)
= this@animatedSwitch.animatedSwitch(className = "view-holder-container") {
attrs {
atEnter = js { }
atEnter.asDynamic().offset = 100
atLeave = js { }
atLeave.asDynamic().offset = glide(-100.0)
atActive = js { }
atActive.asDynamic().offset = glide(0.0)
switchRule = hOCSwitchRule
mapStyles = { styles: dynamic ->
js {
if (styles.offset == 0) {
transform = "unset"
} else transform = "translateX(" + styles.offset + "%)"
Welcome.kt file
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.core.Answer
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.core.ProposedQuestionSet
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.core.Question
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.core.QuestionSetProgressController
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.buttonBase
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.demo.wrapper.vizSensor
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.react.comp.AnswerButton
import com.trinitcore.quizprogress.react.viewregion.QuestionAndAnswer
import kotlinx.css.*
import react.*
import react.dom.div
import react.router.dom.*
import styled.StyleSheet
import styled.css
import styled.styledDiv
import styled.styledH4
external interface WelcomeProps : Props, RouteComponentProps {
var name: String
data class WelcomeState(
val name: String,
val controller: QuestionSetProgressController
) : State
interface DemoAnswerButtonProps : Props {
var answer: Answer
var ansStateControl: AnswerButton.StateControl
var onClick: () -> Unit
class DemoAnswerButton : RComponent<DemoAnswerButtonProps, State>() {
object Style : StyleSheet("yourappname-DemoAnswerButton", isStatic = true) {
override fun RBuilder.render() {
child(AnswerButton::class) {
attrs.label = props.answer.answer
attrs.stateControl = props.ansStateControl
attrs.render = { isSelected, label ->
// Add your button render code here for your customised answer button.
interface DemoQuestionAndAnswerProps : Props {
var question: Question
var handleQuestionAnswered: (matrixAnswerID: Int) -> Unit
var backButtonOnClick: () -> Unit
class DemoQuestionAndAnswer : RComponent<DemoQuestionAndAnswerProps, State>() {
override fun RBuilder.render() {
child(QuestionAndAnswer::class) {
attrs.showForgettenQuesWarn = QuestionSetProgressController.Mode.STANDARD
attrs.question = props.question
attrs.answerID = null
attrs.handleQuestionAnswered = props.handleQuestionAnswered
attrs.backButtonOnClick = props.backButtonOnClick
attrs.answerButtonRender = { answer, ansStateControl ->
// Specify the answer button to the question here.
child(DemoAnswerButton::class) {
attrs.answer = answer
attrs.ansStateControl = ansStateControl
attrs.onClick = { props.handleQuestionAnswered( }
attrs.backButtonRender = { backButtonOnClick ->
// Specify a back button here.
// Inject history props into class
val welcomeWithRouter = withRouter(Welcome::class)
class Welcome(props: WelcomeProps) : RComponent<WelcomeProps, WelcomeState>(props) {
init {
// Initialise a react state with the Questionnaire Set Progress Controller.
// As the user progresses through the questions, the Progress Controller updates
// its values and should be reflected on the user interface.
state = WelcomeState(,
proposedQuestionSet = ProposedQuestionSet(
// Sample question set
questions = arrayOf(
id = 1, question = "Question 1",
dependentAnswerIds = emptySet(), dependentQuestionID = null,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3"),
Answer(id = 4, answer = "Answer 4"),
Answer(id = 5, answer = "Answer 5"),
id = 2, question = "Question 1.1",
dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2, 3), dependentQuestionID = 1,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3")
id = 3, question = "Question 2",
dependentAnswerIds = emptySet(), dependentQuestionID = null,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3")
id = 4, question = "Question 3",
dependentAnswerIds = emptySet(), dependentQuestionID = null,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3")
id = 5, question = "Question 3A.1",
dependentAnswerIds = setOf(1), dependentQuestionID = 4,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2"),
Answer(id = 3, answer = "Answer 3")
id = 6, question = "Question 3B.1",
dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2), dependentQuestionID = 4,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 7, question = "Question 3B.2",
dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2), dependentQuestionID = 4,
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 8, question = "Question 3BA.1",
dependentQuestionID = 7, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 9, question = "Question 3BAA.1",
dependentQuestionID = 8, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 10, question = "Question 3BAAA.1",
dependentQuestionID = 9, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 11, question = "Question 3BAAA.2",
dependentQuestionID = 9, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 12, question = "Question 3BAAA.3",
dependentQuestionID = 9, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
id = 13, question = "Question 3BAAA.4",
dependentQuestionID = 9, dependentAnswerIds = setOf(2),
answers = listOf(
Answer(id = 1, answer = "Answer 1"),
Answer(id = 2, answer = "Answer 2")
), answerSet = mutableMapOf(), defaultAnswerSet = null
currentQuestionID = 1,
questionOnChange = ::questionOnChange,
questionSetOnFulfilled = ::questionSetOnFulfilled
// Specify your callback for when the question controller asks to go
// to the next question.
fun questionOnChange(question: Question) {
// Navigate to the next page with the next questtion
this.props.history.push("/" +
// Specify your callback for when the questionnaire has been completed.
fun questionSetOnFulfilled() {
// Reset the questionnaire to the start
this.state.controller.progress = 0.0
object Style : StyleSheet("com-trinitcore-quizprogress-demo-Welcome") {
private var currentRouterQuestionID: Int? = null
private fun handleMatrixQuestionRouteOnChange(visible: Boolean, question: Question) {
if (visible && currentRouterQuestionID != {
currentRouterQuestionID =
// Handle when an answer is clicked.
private fun handleMatrixQuestionAnswered(answerId: Int) {
setState {
this.controller?.tryAnsQuesAndGoToNxtQues(answerId) { ques, answerId ->
override fun RBuilder.render() {
div {
styledDiv {
// Specify some linear progress bar here.
value = state.controller.progress * 100.0 // controller.progress is a value between 0 to 1.
animatedSwitch { // Optional animation between questions. Remove animatedSwitch if you don't want any animation.
state.controller.questions.forEach { question ->
route("/${}") {
vizSensor {
this.attrs.onChange = { visible: Boolean -> handleMatrixQuestionRouteOnChange(visible, question) }
child(DemoQuestionAndAnswer::class) {
attrs.question = question
attrs.handleQuestionAnswered = ::handleMatrixQuestionAnswered