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A colleague of mine presented me with the following issue from a collection of DNA codes.

Let a DNA code be denoted an alphabetic character. Suppose there is a dictionary containing a sequence of DNA codes.

dictionary = ["A", "AB", "B", "BC", "C", "D", "CH", "E", "F", "EFG", "G", "FG", "H"]

Informally, we want to group together all DNA codes that corresponds with another code in the same sequence AS WELL as any other sequence in the dictionary. This will produce a set of sets called the identifiers set - a set of the different groups that correspond with each other’s code.

The result should be:

dictionary = [{'B', 'H', 'A', 'C'}, {'D'}, {'G', 'E', 'F'}]

Formal Description

Let $\text{Alpha}$ be the alphabet and let $\text{Dict}$ be the dictionary.

Denote $\text{Seq}(y) \in \text{Dict}$ as any sequence that contains code $y$.

Define the equivalence relationship by $x \sim y \iff \exists \text{Seq}(y) : x \in \text{Seq}(y)$

Then the identifiers set is defined as: $\text{Identifiers} = \text{Alpha} / \sim$

The objective is to find the members of the set $\text{Identifiers}$.

Time Complexity

The overall time complexity of the algorithm is: $O(M \times L^2 + 2C + C^2)$


  • $M = |\text{Dict}|$ is the number of words.
  • $L$ is the average length of words.
  • $C=|\text{Alpha}|$ is the number of unique characters in the alphabet.

Algorithm Description

1. Initialize Data Structures:

  • CharMap (char_to_chars): A mapping that links each character to a set of other characters with which it has co-occurred in words.
  • Unravelled Elements (unravelled_elements): A set to keep track of characters that have been processed.
  • Identifiers (identifiers): A list to store sets of related characters that satisfy the equivalence relation.

2. Build the char_to_chars Map:

  • Input: Dictionary.
  • Process:
    • Iterate through each word in the dictionary.
    • For each character in the word, map it to all other characters in the same word.
    • This creates a graph-like structure where nodes are characters and edges represent co-occurrence in words.
  • Time Complexity: $O(M \times L^2)$
    • Where $M$ is the number of words and $L$ is the average length of words.

3. Traverse Chains and Identify Elements:

  • Input: The char_to_chars map.
  • Process:
    • Initialize an empty set (unravelled_elements) to track processed characters.
    • Iterate through each character in the char_to_chars map.
    • For each unprocessed character, start a traversal to identify all related characters.
    • Recursively explore connected characters and add them to the current group (element_identifier).
    • Add the identified group of related characters to the final list of identifiers.
  • Time Complexity: $O(2C + C^2)$
    • Where $C$ is the number of unique characters in the alphabet.

4. Return the Identified Groups:

  • The algorithm returns a list of sets where each set contains characters that are related through the dataset of words.